Monday 13th May 2024 10-3.30pm

Our Refresh and Resource day began with Canon Erica Roberts and Revd Gill Sakakini welcoming over seventy delegates into the bright, hopeful space at Highfield Church, over a positive and optimistic introduction to the day

Opening the day Linking Lives presented us with “Hard facts and effective Christian responses to loneliness” outlining the reality of the current local situation and how a lot of consistent little differences make a cumulative and huge difference.

Threading through the morning we enjoyed “stories of hope” firstly, with Esther Cliff interviewing Margaret Hague (both Caraway Anna Chaplains).

Then later with further stories of hope from:

  • Tricia Kenyon from Communicare – Bringing the generations together
  • Revd David Hinks – Loneliness in the Prison
  • Revd Dave Hendra – Caring for the Carers

Later in the morning Cath Wood introduced Caraway’s Positivity Toolkit.  With a demonstration of the tools we have developed with samples shared with each table.

After enjoying a delicious and social lunch. The afternoon held a more relaxed space, with creative spaces to reflect.

Alongside a range of “Bright Hope for Tomorrow” workshops to choose from:

  • Truth be Told – Gemma Gillard | Intergenerational Storytelling, exploring the principles of helping others use intergenerational engagement to bring real joy, hope and life.
  • Out of the Box – Revd Penny Thatcher | Reflective Storytelling as a powerful tool for exploring thoughts, feelings and connecting to our spiritual selves
  • Music by Heart – Lynne Sillence | Singing with those living with dementia. Reflecting on why singing is so good for individuals living with dementia alongside a practical example
  • Linking Lives – Jeremy Sharpe | A national neighbourhood solution for social isolation discussing a variety of approaches that churches, charities and individuals can take which address loneliness and social isolation in older people

Thank you to all those that have attended. We continue our thanks to all volunteers who have made today happen. By moving furniture, making the audio/visuals work. Of course, an extra thanks to our lunch and refreshments team for keeping us fed and watered throughout the day.

Thank you to our Speakers and Community Partners that have brought today into a reality. Revd Gill Sakakini, Tricia Kenyon from Communicare, Revd David Hinks, Gemma Gillard, Revd Penny Thatcher, Lynne Sillence, Jeremy Sharpe from Linking Lives, BRF Marian Muskett, Zoe Jones from Embracing Age.

Hosted in partnership with Highfield Church and Caraway. You can contact us for more information on